Benefits Of Breast Pumps For Lactating Mothers

A breast pump extracts milk from the breast, through the nipple, by stimulating milk production. The milk is collected in a container through a funnel placed on the breast around the nipple. Breastpumps have been used by women throughout the world since the end of the 1800s, and they come in different types. The best part is you'll also find breast pumps and lactation consultation covered by BCBS in Chicago.

Why Would I Need To Use a BreastPump?

A breast pump helps you give your child breast milk even if you cannot feed directly at any time. Here are some reasons and benefits for using a breast pump:

Helps with lactation: Pumping breast milk helps you boost your milk supply, alongside your normal breastfeeding.

Feeding in your absence: If you work outside the house and need someone else to feed your child during the day.

Break time: To allow for a partner or family member to feed the baby when you want to get some rest and a much-needed break.

Medical conditions: If you cannot feed directly either if your baby is premature, or due to breast surgery or a health issue.

Tips For Expressing Breast Milk Using A Pump

-As with any new technology, a breast pump also takes some time to get used to. Here are some tips to help you when you get started:
  • Make yourself comfortable by keeping your back straight
  • Check that your nipple should be at the center of the funnel, and support your breast to aid this
  • It normally takes a couple of minutes for the milk to flow accurately, so don’t panic.
  • When the flow slows down on the first breast, change to the other breast. When the flow slows on the second one, you can switch back to the first. 
So what are you waiting for? Look for a breast pump now covered under medical insurance! You can also get lactation consultation covered by Medicaid in Chicago.


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